Snowmobiling 2/14/04 Pix
This weekend started off as any other and the plan was to spend Friday thru Monday at Atkisson Sno-Park. As you will soon see this weekend turned into one filled with a little more adventure than we had bargained for. I think everyone had a good time!
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This was Jeremy's first time snowmobiling and he
wasn't prepared to waste any time, he was ready!
Todd gave Jeremy and King Kong a ride around the
parking lot to pacify them both.
Big brother Christopher giving Jeremy a ride around
the parking lot with his Kitty Kat.
We all took off Saturday afternoon for a "short" ride to Lone Butte
Sno-Park which was about 26 miles away. Here we were taking a lunch break
at a scenic overlook to Mt. Adams.
Aaron and Jake down over the bank with their large snowball they had created.
Jeremy trying to figure out why we are wasting all this time when we could be
Todd may have made a slight error in judgment when deciding to ride over this
outhouse, oops!
About 5 miles from Lone Butte Sno-Park Christopher fell off Brian's machine
after hitting a large bump. His arm had gotten caught in the track and was
badly hurt so we rushed him to the warming hut at the sno-park where help was on
its way.
The ambulance couldn't make it all the way up to the sno-park due to the icy
roads so the Sheriff had to haul both Christopher and Brian down to meet the
ambulance. With one less driver now, I had to tow one of the sleds back
the full 26 miles to our camp in the dark and with the snow dumping all the
way. So much for that "short" ride. Later in the evening
Todd and I went to pick up Christopher and Brian at the White Salmon Hospital,
we got back about midnight. What a long day!
Luckily it turned out Christopher's arm wasn't broken, just badly traumatized
with abrasions and swelling. The doctors told him to keep it elevated
which he did for at least 10 minutes the next day! He was sliding down the
snow hills and wondering why we wouldn't let him ride his Kitty Kat the next
It snowed quite a bit throughout the weekend but Sunday night it decided to
really let go. This pic is of Aaron playing on a snow bank and gives you
an idea of how it was coming down.
The adventure keeps going! It was Monday and time to go, however they
never plowed the parking lot the entire weekend and it was a good 10-12"
deep by now. Mark and I struggled a bit with our 4x4's and travel trailers
but got out. Brian wasn't so lucky and broke a chain right off the get
go. We repaired it and tried again.
The second attempt broke the chain on the other side only this time it took out
the valve stem on one of the tires so we had a flat tire also. We tried
changing it but the 500 ft-lbs. of torque on each lug nut had us just bending
the breaker bar. We worked on it until dark and realized we were going to
have to spend another night and seek help in the morning.
We went to the Ranger Station and requested they plow the park which they did
finally. Meanwhile we had no luck finding anyone in town with mobile
equipment to deal with the tire so we headed back to the sno-park.
We asked the plow drivers if they had any tools to change a flat tire and they
didn't. He did however offer to pull the motor home out with the loader
once the sno-park was plowed. Since only one of the dual tires in the rear
had air we decided to drop the trailer to lighten the load and I would move it
with my truck.
Now this is something you don't see everyday! Once Brian was out he
decided to try and drive it down to the Chevron station with the one flat tire
where they would have the required air tools to change and repair it.
At this point I had to haul Brian's trailer down to the Chevron station, then
come back up after mine. What an ordeal! We finally got home early
Tuesday evening and were very tired to say the least.